Hopper Stopper Grasshopper Trap
The One, the Only, and the Original Grasshopper Trap
- Reduces destructive mature grasshoppers
- Suitable for vegetable and flower gardens
- Completely safe and chemical-free
- Doesn’t require bait of any kind
- Sturdy metal construction will last forever
- Perfect for organic or chemical-free gardening

How Hopper Stopper Works
To understand how Hopper Stopper works, you need to understand grasshopper behavior. The nature of a grasshopper is to climb up to feast on vegetation and then jump down after feasting on plants. Watch the buggers in your garden, they eat their way up and then hop down!
Hopper Stopper’s special design encourages mature grasshopper to crawl upwards into the trap via a garden stake inserted into the ground. When they go to jump down, they get stuck in the trap. Grasshoppers don’t know or just aren’t smart enough to climb back down. That’s grasshopper nature!

Proper Set Up
- Assemble the trap by simply attaching the two halves of the trap together using the clip supplied with the trap.
- Take a bamboo pole or ordinary garden stake and push it into the ground near the plants you want to protect.
- Set the height of the pole so the mid-point of the trap is level with the vegetation.
- As plants grow, the stake should be made taller, to catch the optimal number of grasshoppers. We do this when we are out picking or watering.
- Multiple traps can be used around the garden and moved easily to plants being targeted by grasshoppers.

Disposing of Grasshoppers
When the grasshoppers die, simply unclip the lid and throw the dead grasshoppers in the trash or compost pile. If all of the grasshoppers are not dead, submerse the trap in a bucket of water and dispose of the grasshoppers once they die.
Uses for Dead Grasshoppers
We have heard you can dip them in chocolate or fry and salt them, but we just aren’t that brave. However, here are some practical uses we have found:
- Put them in your bird feeder. Watch the birds fly off to feast on them.
- Feed them to your ducks or chickens. This is our favorite form of entertainment.
- Use them to bait a fish hook. Save money on bait.