Meet the People

Kurt Christensen
Kurt is the founder (instigator) of farm naked. He's an inventor at heart with an idea a minute, most of them admittedly a little "off-the wall." Maybe we should call him Quirk? When he's not busy inventing something, Kurt's a volunteer scuba diver at the Henry Doorly Zoo, cleaning the shark tanks. Two of his best friends are a grouper and a sea turtle named Harold. Kurt's an organic gardening addict with not one – but two – greenhouses. One is filled with seven species of organic bamboo just in case the zoo ever needs to be "panda ready". His favorite time of year is when the seed catalogs come out, so he can experiment with new things he won't even eat, but loves to grow, every year.

Jenny Christensen
Also known as just Jen, she's the other half of Kurt and co-conspirator of farm naked. There's got to be a woman to keep Kurt and Matt in line! As a creator of concoctions, Jenny loves home cooking what Kurt grows and spends most weekends trying to develop the next 1,000 things to do with zucchini. To stay out of Kurt's way, she spends what little spare time she has with her two New Forest Ponies whose antics could only be typical of a horse (and owner) with a sense of humor. Jenny is enslaved by her pet ducks and chickens who provide she and Kurt with plenty of eggs and entertainment. Her favorite aroma is that of the barn and her favorite way to unwind is to sit with her family flock, who love to give lap dances.

Matt Rochester
As our official VP of Nakedness, Matt is the creative genius behind so many of the fun ideas at farm naked. Matt is the go-to guy when you don't know what you're doing. A web site …. no problem! Ecommerce … we didn't even know what it was, but Matt did. Matt's been part of our befriended family for almost 30 years. He's also a volunteer to many causes including Alzheimer's and a few others we just can't remember. Matt never sleeps. He's either working, giving back to the community, or busy embarrassing his two kids. On the weekends, you can find him foraging about farmers markets finding the next naked idea.